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Posts tagged ‘R5’

R5 Concerto

 Sorry for having a late post, I was very busy with other things like helping my family so we could move into our new house.  Lots to do and lots has happened the past two weeks.

Last weekend I was in Winnipeg. Not for any particular reason, just to go meet and watch R5 perform.  🙂 (My mom and dad got me the tickets for my birthday back in January)  It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. They made a bad year good.  I was so happy.  Here’s why.


1. I got to meet them!!  It was soooooooooooo cool, they are the most amazing band (along with One Direction of course :P) Rydel, she’s the sister of the Band and Ratliff/Ellington’s best friend, touched my shoulder. I admire all of R5.



2. Star of Austin and Ally in the band. Ross Lynch who plays Austin Moon, is in R5. I’m not fangirling (maybe a little though ;P) I got too stand next to him!!!! Yayyy!!!!! It just so happens Ross is one of my all-time favourite people/bands.



3. American Idol Stars.There was a brother sister act who opened for R5. Their names are Brandon and Savannah. They were on American Idol season 8. They got eliminated in the quarterfinals. They were about 16-17 years old. To go from American Idol to opening for big shot bands like r5 made me realize that if you want to achieve your dream then, you have to work for it, and trust me, I am. I sooo want to be famous in anyway. I feel like I’m that kind of person who lives for the spotlight. But, we all have our own dreams, and that’s eh okay 😀


4. Selfie with Ryland #celebselfie. For those of you who might not know. Ryland is the youngest Lynch. He isn’t in the band but, he Dj’s  to get the crowd hyped up and he works the sound boards for each concert. He was so amazing and kind. I just had to get one with him.


5. The songs they do are AMAZING!!!! Everyone should know at least an R5 song or two because, there AWESOME!!! Songs I like from them is… well… all of them 🙂 What’s your favourite song (s)? Songs they performed includes: Loud, Fallin for you, Billion Hits, Love The Way You Love Me and much more!!!!


Hope you liked this post!!! The concert was soo much fun. If you like/love be sure to check out their website ww.r5rocks.com/home 

Oh – I also got to shop at a real mall!! IT was EPIC!!


For an update – my mom said I could write we are still working on the whole school issue.  She is ready to move back to Ontario.  So am I 😦  Thank you for your support.

Ski Trips And News

In just a matter of days, I, Jessica will be embarking on my first ever ski trip with my grade 6 class to Manitoba. I, have never been skiing in my life so that makes it all the more exciting for me!!! We are spending the whole day there. I have to be there at 7:30 but, that’s a piece of cake because…I have gotten up at 5:30 and stayed up until 2:30. (Another story in a later post) It will be fun because it’s a new experience for me as  I am going downhill skiing and going on a ski lift.  The view will be awesome and the adrenaline will be ultra high. I like ultra high adrenaline. The breeze will be great too.

In other news, I have a few announcements/ news about my upcoming year as the 12 year old!!!

1. In April I am going away to Winnipeg for a VIP Concert starring R5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yayayayayay I’m really excited as it’s my first time seeing them.  I’ll be able to write about Winnipeg, the hotel we are staying at, and the concert hall.  Will be a different experience then TOronto.

2. The Ski trip to Manitoba  I was talking about up there.

3. I will be hosting an ask Jess on my email so just send a question to this address thejesspress11@gmail.com and at the end of the week on Friday I will sit down at the computer and answer every single on of your question on my blog. It can’t be anything personal (like where do I live or what last name is. stuff like that) or bad but other questions are fine. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)  I’m doing this because I want to meet new people.  Then I will find out about your website too.

4. I sent a letter to a company saying I would like to review a product of theirs and maybe do a contest.  Something to make my blog grow. I REALLY do hope they say yes, because it will be so much fun.  I would have to put their logo on my website too.  CROSS YOUR FINGERS they say yes 🙂

See ya later- Jessica