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Posts tagged ‘ITTC’

Pongin’ Around


Disclaimer: Before this blog begins, I would just like to say  even though I am a Chapters-Indigo affiliate, this is all my own opinion. 

I was bored and had nowhere to go.  I asked my mom if we could go to Coles. Why did we go to Coles you ask? Well, I’ll you!  When we lived in Ontario, we would always go to the Chapters near by.  Even though we didn’t have a lot of money, Chapters always had a lot to do or read. 

Living in a small town, there’s nothing that we really can do on a rainy day.  Coles is like the size of our house.  It’s not big.  It was something that wasn’t boring.  I came up with a couple coins.  I immediately bolted around the place searching for something that caught my eye.  I only had $7, and living in a small town things aren’t cheaper then the city.  I saw lots of things I wanted but they were too expensive.  When I saw the Desktop Ping-Pong, it looked interesting.  It was $8.95.  My mom chipped in the rest. 


What was inside the Ping-Pong box


When we got home, I got it out and set it out. It took a couple minutes in total to set it up. The suction thingies didn’t stick right away. Luckily, I finally got it to stick. Fact: I can’t Ping or Pong! It was fun though. I kept hitting it backward.

Here are some facts from the mini book:

  • People use household items to play back in the day (example cigar box lids for paddles)
  • one of it’s first name was ‘Whiff-Whaff’
  • The International Table Tennis Federation was formed in 1926

 Stuff like this is always fun especially when you don’t have the slightest clue how to play 😉